CAnadian Multi-Ethnic Research on Aging

The CAnadian Multi-Ethnic Research on Aging (CAMERA) study is a longitudinal, observational study investigating risk and protective factors for dementia in three of Canada’s largest ethnic groups: individuals who identify as Chinese, South Asian, and White.
By participating in this study, you can help us better understand aging and dementia risk factors through a more equitable lens that captures Canadians from different backgrounds.

Dr. Jennifer Rabin
PhD, C.Psych, Scientist
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Harquail Centre for Neuromodulation
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine,
University of Toronto
Meet Dr. Jennifer Rabin. She is a registered neuropsychologist, Scientist at Sunnybrook Research Institute, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine (Neurology) at the University of Toronto. After earning her PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology from York University, she completed her internship and a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School. In 2019, she started the Cognitive Brain Health Lab at Sunnybrook Research Institute.
The CAMERA study aims to better understand the many factors - biological, social and environmental - that impact brain aging and cognitive health among individuals who self-identify as Chinese or South Asian. We focus on individuals of Chinese and South Asian descent because these two groups are the largest non-White ethnic groups in Canada and have been historically underrepresented in Alzheimer's disease and dementia research. The CAMERA study will be the first in Canada to bring together sophisticated brain imaging techniques with state-of-the art biomarkers, and cognitive testing to investigate risk and protective factors for dementia in Canada's largest Asian subgroups. We hope that the information gained from this study will lead to the development of tailored prevention and intervention strategies for all Canadians.
CAMERA is run by the Cognitive Brain Health Lab at the Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto, ON.
For more information about the study, please click here